Register today
Interested in learning more on the incredible opportunities that exist in our Desert? Register today and join our charitable sponsors for a day of exclusive networking and the opportunity to attend multiple panel discussions on how education is fueling economic development.

October 21, 2021 | 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
SBC Fairgrounds, Victorville, CA 92395
Registration and Greater High Desert Chamber of Commerce Expo Hall begins at 7:30 AM
Online registration is now closed. Tickets may be purchased on site at the High Desert Opportunity Summit event. For questions, please call 760.245.4271 ext 2146.
Registration benefits

Keynote Speaker
Access to view Keynote Speaker presentation. This year, Melissa Stockwell joins us to discuss the power of perseverance and discovering life-changing opportunities.

Economic Forecast
High Desert Opportunity Summit features an economic forecast of the Victor Valley and Inland Empire Region. In the past, HDOS has featured economists such as UC Riverside’s Dr. Christopher Thornberg and Dr. John Husing.

Exclusive Networking
Attended by over 500 guests, HDOS offers incredible networking opportunities.

Panel Discussions
Access to multiple panel discussion presentations. Esteemed and devoted individuals from our region gather to examine upcoming opportunities within our region.

GHDCC Exhibit Hall
In partnership with the Greater High Desert Chamber of Commerce HDOS will feature and organized exhibitor hall that offers local municipalities, utilities, and businesses the opportunity to display and interact with attendees.

HDOS Luncheon
Join us for lunch brought to you by local catering. Previous years have featured lunches provided by the Victor Valley College Restaurant Management Program.
INterested in hosting a booth?
The Greater High Desert Chamber of Commerce is thrilled to partner with High Desert Opportunity Summit and will organize the exhibitors building that will offer local municipalities, utilities, and businesses the opportunity to display and interact with attendees.